Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Home of the Millard North Hoofbeat

MNHS Online

Sumanas Reddy Maram | May 8, 2024

  ith adrenaline rushing through veins and victory on the line, the field becomes a stage for thrilling showdowns as teams fight for supremacy in sports competitions. This was no different for students who competed in the MN Sports and Fitness For Youth (SAFFY) flag football tournament hosted on Apr. 23. The players, forming eight teams of six, all competed in a double elimination bracket for the...

Kai Pavola, Staff Writer | May 8, 2024

Blends of layered colors, blurred effects, and uncertain perspectives dance before your eyes. This is what one sees when taking in “Integration”, an art piece by Senior Gabby Zambuto. “The piece invites viewers to contemplate the urgency of the issue and the need for collective action to limit waste and protect our planet,” Zambuto said. Recently, Scholastic Art and Writing hosted their annual...

Callie Menke, Sports Editor | May 8, 2024

Trumpets blare as drums thud along to a musical beat that sweetly fills the large, echoed space of the Millard North gymnasium. Swarms of people are on the dance floor as everyone swings along to the beat. The Big Band dance is a long-standing tradition, occurring every spring at Millard North, without fault. This year, the dance is set for May 10, 2024. Current Band director, Mr. Placek who orchestrates...

Mia Castro, News Editor | May 8, 2024

Ensconced in the newsroom of room 1105, an air of intense focus and pure hustle is pertinent as an untiring group works towards their next deadline. Here, the background of fingers clacking away at laptops and soft voices collaborating provide a harmonious symphony familiar only to the members of the Stampede, Millard North’s award-winning yearbook publication. This talented ensemble is dedicated...

Mahdis Riazikhah, Staff Writer | March 27, 2024

His way with words and the emotions seeped from them mesmerized everyone in the room, tugging at their hearts. Poet George Abraham visited MN Tuesday, Feb. 27, during 6th and 7th period. They read a few of their poems, spoke about Palestine and Israel, and directed a Q and A session where students were invited to ask him about anything, like how to spread awareness about Gaza, inspirations to write...

Prisha Sabherwal, Staff Writer | March 27, 2024

The fascinating culture that once thrived within the grand city of ancient Rome is now being experienced within the walls of our school. The school’s Latin club has taken up the task of transporting students back in time to relive what it would have felt like to live in that era. In recent years, this club has experienced significant growth, attracting many enthusiastic students. What began as a...

Argyrenia Pipinos, Staff Writer | March 27, 2024

Photographers all around the world scramble to capture the perfect shot, aiming their cameras at the stellar display above as “oohs” and “aahs” surround them. The crowd marvels at the sight of the sun’s corona shimmering against the darkened sky and for a brief moment, the world stands still. On April 8th, a total solar eclipse will pass through the United States. According to NASA, several...

Mira Mukherjee, Staff Writer | March 27, 2024

Staying late for rehearsals. Practicing a section of music until perfection. Aiming a light not a second too early.  All aid in a successful show choir performance, but the deciding factor whittles down to the dedication of its members. On Feb.17th in Waconia, MN, a triumphant result exhibited the entire program’s cohesiveness and hard-work. Illumination director Allison Hoffmann has seen the...

Mira Mukherjee, Staff Writer | March 27, 2024

Only the light footsteps of the performers taking the stage are audible in the vast auditorium. Overhead lights illuminate their costumes, bright hues reflecting on the floor. The steady rhythm of the show band serves as a metronome for the well-rehearsed routine. The music crescendos as the last step is performed, a smattering of applause following suit. Held on Mar. 8th and 9th, the Galaxy of the...

Cecelia Vlieger, Staff Writer | February 14, 2024

Adrenaline rushes through their veins as the Millard North Dance Team approaches the Marley, the floor the girls take the stage on at the Universal Dance Association High School National Competition. The girls prepare to represent the MN blue, green, and silver and hopefully bring home another white, gleaming jacket. MN’s dance program is set to a high standard of winning national titles. These...