A Man in Uniform

Swimmer commits to swimming for the US Navy

Splashing, with each stroke down the lane. Pushing each muscle to its limit for victory. For senior Kalvin Hahn, swimming is not only his passion but is also streamlining him to success. After graduating in May, Hahn will attend West Point Military Academy where he will swim for the school. 

“Swimming has gotten me to places I could never go without it. Because of swimming, I have gotten to meet so many people, see so many new cities and colleges, and have gotten me to be able to swim at West Point,” Hahn said. 

Hahn started swimming in 7th grade because it helped with cross training for football, but after improving at swimming, he decided to quit football to focus on swimming. He started swimming year-round, getting faster and stronger to get to the point where he is now. Hahn’s main swimming event is breaststroke. 

Hahn even had the opportunity to compete against Olympians in the US Open. “Everywhere I looked there were stars. I stayed in the same hotel as the Irish National Team, I met a junior record holder, warmed up with a world record holder, and raced with Olympians. It felt unreal to be swimming with all these stars,” Hahn said.

He had his cut to be able to swim in four events for the US Open. It took place in Greensboro, North Carolina at the GAC Aquatic Center. Though not getting his best times, Hahn swam times he was proud of.

“Swimming is a way I can push myself to complete and be the best I can be. It is a constant challenge every day to better myself and is constantly exciting. I love racing and it’s fun to do every day,” Hahn said.

  Having a hard working athlete is something to be excited about.  Swim coach Andy Cunningham helps Hahn work to be the best he can be. Hahn swims about six to eight times a week and lifts three to four times a week.

“It’s fun, it takes a lot of pressure off of coaching because no matter what I do, he always wants to do more, do better. So it’s driven from him,” Cunningham said.  

With Hahn joining the Army at West Point, he won’t be able to swim as much when going through basic training. 

“We can swim for one to two hours a week but you got to go do basic, so you don’t get a lot of time to swim. So six weeks out of the water,” Hahn said. 

The recruiting process started in the summer of sophomore year for Hahn, with him narrowing it down to five schools, Auburn, Georgia Tech, Wisconsin, and Westpoint. 

“I went out to Auburn for my official. Then I went out to West Point, I committed on my visit.” Hahn said.

A teammate of Hahn, senior Mimi Mcleay loves work when Hahn on the team.. When looking at the swim team it’s a tight knit group that looks for leaders. Hahn is one of thoses leaders always encouraging the younger swimmers.

“I think the younger boys really look up to Kal. Something funny Kal does is he yells “Stang Gang” as loud as he can before each meet. As a team we love it and it really gets everyone going,” Mcleay said. 

Hahn is always the first and last out of the water according to Mcleay always working 110% percent to be his best possible. 

With all this in mind, Hahn has a lot going for him. A man in uniform swimming his way to his future.  

Hahns goal is to compete in the 2024 Olympic Trials in Indianapolis. 

“The goal for this year is get him on top of that podium,” Cunningham said.